Altar Serving is open to adults, and children (boys or girls) in 4th grade or older.
Baking Ministry helps with special event and baking needs throughout the year.
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations. The Catholic Church is called to participate in the quest for unity by promoting Ecumenical and Interfaith relations, as mandated by the Second Vatican Council. It is therefore essential that each parish, as a part of its mission, seek ways to further unity.
Environment & Art Committee decorates the church during the different seasons of the year.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM’s) serve Holy Communion.
“Feed My Poor” (FMP) started as a ministry of the church. In 2021, it became an official 501(3)(c), a humanitarian non-profit, based on the command of Jesus to feed those that are the most forgotten and neglected in society.
FMP currently has a food truck that operates 7 days a week - serving hot, healthy meals to large encampments in different cities around Los Angeles.
Funeral Ministry assists families in details of a funeral/memorial Mass. We endeavor to be a source of love, comfort, encouragement and support.
Home Ministry of Prayer participants receive a monthly letter to pray for Parish intentions.
Hospitality Volunteers provide a continetal style breakfast after Sunday morning/midday Masses and on special occasions.
Lectors read Scripture and other prayers at the liturgies.
Christian Meditation Group come together Tues. 7pm and Thurs. 11am.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound brings Holy Communion to those who cannot come to church.
Music Ministry opportunities include the 10am Choir, cantors or instrumentalists.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee helps in preparation & celebration of the yearly Mass on December 12th.
The GSBH Parent Ministry is a parish-based response to the needs of parents. We invite you to meet with other parents to share, discuss and support each other in a faith-based setting.
Prayer Shawl Ministry is a prayer and knitting ministry devoted to providing people support, comfort and celebration with a hand-knit shawl.
Reach Out to Care are persons who bring care and love to members of the Parish who are unable to come to Mass.
Religious Education Catechesis lead the Liturgy of the Word For Children during the 10am Mass, or give instruction every Saturday 9:30-11:00am from September-May.
Sacristans prepare details needed for the celebration of all Sunday and weekday liturgies, as well as special occasions.
Parish Social Events Committee plan parties & organize special events. Volunteers are needed in all areas.
Spiritual Reading Group reads a selected book and discusses a section at each meeting.
Sunday Sip Coordinators assist in the once-a-month social after the Sunday 5pm Mass.
St. Joseph Men’s Group welcomes men of all ages who support one another in prayer and fellowship under the Patronage of St. Joseph. Meets on Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Parish Center.
St. Vincent de Paul Society provides one-time aid to those suffering from extreme circumstances.
Idalia Santos
Ushers & Greeters welcome everyone to liturgies, and assist the assembly in various capacities.
Vida Christi is a dynamic group of adults over 40 who gather for vibrant social events and community building activities.
Wedding Ministry assist coordinators in details of wedding ceremonies.
Women’s Ministry meet periodically during the year to honor Our Lady with prayer, meditation and fellowship.
Young Adults of Good Shepherd (YAGS) (aprox. 20-30+ years old, married or single) meet to grow in faith and fellowship through social, spiritual, and service opportunities. Our goals are to strengthen not only our bonds in friendship, but our faith as Catholics as well.
Young At Heart group provides opportunities for learning, fellowship and faith-based activities for seniors.