LENT 2025

Where will your Lenten Journey take you?  Join us for one of the many services, activities or just to pray.


Lent is essentially an act of prayer spread out over 40 days. As we pray, we are brought closer to Christ and are changed by the encounter with him.

  • Lenten Calendar - Prepare your heart. Click Here.
  • 10 Things to remember during Lent: Click Here.
  • Quiet Prayer:  our Church is open from 8am-5pm each day.
  • Weekday Masses: M-F ~ 8am, 12:05pm
  • Evening Mass: Wednesdays ~ 6:30pm w/Adoration to follow from 7-8pm (Excluding: No Confession or Adoration April 16th)
  • Stations of the Cross: Friday Evenings 6:30pm with a light Lenten supper in the Parish Hall.
  • Adoration & Confession: Monday-Saturday: 7am - 8am; Wednesday:7pm-8pm (Excluding: April 16th)
  • Parish Reconciliation ServiceTuesday, April 8th 7:30pm. We will have several priests available for Confession. Take this time to grow closer to God. Jesus is waiting with a kind and merciful heart. 
  • Meditation: Tuesdays 7pm, Thursdays 11am (Sacred Heart Chapel, Parish Center)
  • Rosary:  Sunday mornings in the chapel ~ 9:15am
  • Directions & Parking
  • GS PARKING LOT: Good Shepherd has a very small parking lot which can be accessed from Roxbury Drive, a block west of the church on North Santa Monica Blvd and Roxbury Dr. DO NOT park in the alley, red zones, or double park in our lot blocking other cars. DO NOT block our neighbors' driveways you will be ticketed or possibly towed.
  • STRUCTURES: Across from the church along the Southside of Santa Monica Blvd. there are entrances to Beverly Hills metered parking structures on:
  • ROXBURY  DRIVE - northbound one-way entrance there are lots on the west and east side of the street. The Westside structure typically has more open spaces since there are two other churches east of Good Shepherd that also utilize the Camden parking structure.
  • CAMDEN  DRIVE - northbound one-way street entrances. These two (2) metered lots have varied pay structures - MON-SAT: Three (3) hour meters - which are free after 6pm. SUNDAY: Free Parking - No charge in those mentioned lots.

For the most current information on parking in the City of Beverly Hills go to: Beverly Hills Parking


The fasting that we all do together on Fridays is but a sign of the daily Lenten discipline of individuals and households: fasting for certain periods of time, fasting from certain foods, but also fasting from other things and activities.

Join us for Stations of the Cross on Friday Evenings at 6:30pm.


The giving of alms is an effort to share this world equally—not only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time and talents.

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