Helping provide food to individuals and families in need

Opportunities to donate food at Church of the Good Shepherd:

Contribution Sunday - filling a bag with nonperishable food the first weekend of each month


Filling a bag with non-perishable food for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Volunteer opportunities in the community:

St. Joseph Center Food Pantry - help sort donations and put together grocery bags. To Volunteer: Complete volunteer application on their website at

West Hollywood Food Coalition – help prepare & serve evening meal. To Volunteer: Book a date and time at

Los Angeles Catholic Worker Hospitality Kitchen – help prepare & serve morning meal. To Volunteer: Call LACW House at 323-267-8780 (website:

St. Robert Center – help prepare sack lunches. To Volunteer: Contact Christine Gerety at 310-566-1531

Beverly Hills Meals on Wheels – drive & deliver meals to homebound Seniors in Beverly Hills. To Volunteer: Contact Pat Jacobson at 310-423-3517

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